Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A word on K-On!

This isn't gonna be like a full review, but I just wanted to talk about this.


No. I told you, it's not a full review.



So I think K-ON deserves an honorable mention as one of the best animes of all time. The reason why I'm not writing a full review on this is because it's so well known and well liked, that whatever I would say would just be a redundancy of what's already been said.

This anime was recommended to me by Josh and Jay. So here's a shoutout hehe. Best way to describe this anime is a cross between Lucky Star and Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad. It's only 13 episodes long, but satisfying as hell. If you like slice of life, this is for you. If you like comedy, this is for you. If you play guitar, this is for you. If you're a fucking human being, this is for you*.

So go watch it.

However, it's not good enough to replace my #1 favorite anime. Which is actually Lucky Star. Which I'm watching for the 8th time. VivaLaKonata.

*may not actually be for you

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