Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Hydro Pump

I haven't posted in a while. I guess it's cuz I was kinda busy this weekend. WITH DRAGONSLAYING. I wanna do that again.

Anyways, this is something that I've discussed with some other people, so if you heard me talk about this, don't bother reading.

Did you ever notice how many fountains there are in Cerritos? Like a whole grip of them.

Let's count on our fingers and toes.

1) The BIG one in the middle of Town Center
2) The smaller one in front of DressBarn
3) A long one in between the restaurants in Town Center
4) The flower one at the library
5) The dolphin one at the library
6) The pair in front of the police station
7) The Cerritos Library Logo fountain near the COW stop
8-11) The 4 randomly placed rock fountains on 183rd Street
12) There's one near Staples
13) The falcon one at Cerritos College
14) The mini fountain IN Cerritos College
15) The one in front of Hollywood Video
16) The one in front of REMAX
17) I think the 3 dolphins in CPE count as a fountain
18) The one in the middle of the lake at Regional
19) The one in the 99 Ranch plaza
20) The tall one at South Street plaza

I'm sure there are many more that I've missed, and not to mention all the homes that have fountains and all the restaurants with fountains IN them.

So what's this all about? Why do we have to have so many fountains? Did some civil engineers have an obsession over water? Moving water, actually.

Maybe it's to remind us of how lucky we are to live in a world with water.
Maybe it's to make the climate a little teeny bit cooler.
Maybe it's just fun to look at.

I think all the fountains should have their water extracted and put into a BIGASS fountain in the smack middle of the city and have a water stream as tall as 15 Kuantings. And then the empty fountains would be filled with refreshments. For all the thirsty peoples.

I do agree that fountains are fun to look at. My favorite is the kind that fogs over the water.
But, my point is that we have a damn lot of fountains. That water could be going toward my water collection.

Speaking of water, last Saturday and Sunday was the highlight of my summer. Over 100 teams, 500 meters of water, and one drum to hit. It was the best. We didn't beat everyone, but we did pretty well. I was very satisfied with our team's performance and enjoyed watching other teams race, especially LARD and LARD Black. Going to the races made me realize what summer is all about: sitting back in the sand, playing games, listening to music, eating, talking, and paddling. If we could do this every weekend, I would. Unfortunately, we have to wait 1 year. I loved every bit of it though and I can't wait to paddle again.
Dragonauts was more than just a team to me. It was like my 3rd family (2nd is my lovely group of friends). I made so many friends there and it was like just one big lump of crazy. It was probably the best thing that happened to me this summer. So thank you, guys. Thanks for the memories. Thank you all.


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