I remember my cousin put an emulator and ROM of this on my grandpa's computer and I remember playing this not knowing what it was. What I do remember was the satisfaction of kicking ass with a sword and/or boomerang. Later when I grew up a little (LOL imagine that) I discovered this game again and now could pair it up with it's title: A Link to the Past. Don't ask just me, ask anyone - this game is probably one of the most kick ass games on the SNES. It's a shame I didn't finish it yet. Then again, I've never finished a Zelda game without looking to the internet for help, so I have a solid reason. Still can't wait to get a hookshot though...
2) Chrono Trigger
Another GREAT game for the SNES. I actually started this one this year and for the most part, I like it. A fun fighting system, crazy secrets, awesome skills. Anything you could ever ask for in an RPG. The only problem I had with it though was the difficulty of the game. Actually, I have that problem with every game. SHUT UP. Probably the best part about this game was naming your party members. Which means you own them.
3) Mega Man 2
This game, from what I've heard, is hands-down the best Mega Man game of all time. I've only finished the first one, and when I started the second one, it was even harder than the first one. The levels are fun, the boss fights are difficult, and the pea shooter is pewing away. Since it's a relatively short game, I'll probably have to work on that one during the summer. I still can't get by Flashman's stage though...
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4) Super Metroid
This, I think, is tied with Link to the Past for "BEST SNES GAME EVER." I also started this game this year, and yes, it is hard. Just how I like my Metroid games. If you're a big Metroid fan, or just a mediocre Metroid fan, and you haven't played this game, I'm surprised. The levels are incredibly complex, there are unique enemies, and cool powerups. Definitely pick this up if you haven't played it yet.
5) Starfox 64
DO A BARREL ROLL. I remember playing this game in the demos section when I was a wee little kid...OK FINE...a big little kid. The reason I can't finish this game is...well...I don't own a copy. I've only played in demos and at other people's houses. I really do want to play this game though, it looks very fun.
6) The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I think this is pretty self explanatory. I think I've only finished about...2 Zelda games: Minish Cap and Twilight Princess. Yeah, I'm that dumb.
7) Pokemon Red/Blue
There's not a whole lot I can say about this, since I haven't played it yet. I blame my mom for not letting me have a Gameboy lol.
8) Final Fantasy III(US)/VI(JPN)
This game I actually tried but I stopped immediately because it didn't feel right playing 3...er...6 without playing the first few FF games. But from what I can see, it looks to be a decent game. It has the same fighting system as Chrono Trigger does and you start out with this character that kicks ASS. I mean, the first few fights are a joke. But I can't say too much because I haven't played that long. I need to hurry up and finish 1 and 2.
9) Earthbound (US)/MOTHER (JPN)
This game I've wanted to play for a while, but haven't had the time to. From what I've heard and seen, it looks to be your standard RPG, but with Ness in it. I hope I get the chance to try this one out over the summer.
10) Super Mario Bros. 2
You just knew I was gonna end with a Mario game huh XD? A lot of people don't consider this to be a part of the series, since it's a rip off of another Japanese game. In my opinion, it's still a Mario game. It hasn't lost any of the charm that it had in the previous installments and it's pretty fun to play. Most of you might recognize this game under the name "Super Mario Advance" for the GBA. This game isn't easy, but it isn't hard either. In fact, I'm still trying to figure out why I haven't beaten this game yet.
I know this post is kinda dragging along, but there's one more thing game-related that I wanted to talk about. And that is...E3. This year's E3 featured some of the most incredible games that I can't wait for. There are games like the new Metroid: Other M; the New Super Mario Bros Wii, Beatles Rockband, and more. I think we can all expect a lot of new changes in the gaming industry this summer.
K that's about it. I hope all of you have a nice summer after finals (DO WELL ON THEM) and kick butt in w/e you're going to do!
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