Yeah, I know most of you recognize this screen but didn't know where it came from. It's a pretty popular game. Actually, I should say, it WAS a pretty popular game. Nowadays, people just recognize it as one of the starts of arcade games. It's a simple game. See that picture up there? That's the first screen of the game. I thought it was pretty easy. In total, this game has 3 levels, making it one of the shortest games I've ever played. It was pretty fun, but I think that if the game was longer, it would have gotten pretty tedious pretty quickly.
Lemme talk about the actual gameplay for a little bit. You're Mario. This, in fact, is one of the first games that you can play as Mario, which is kinda cool. Your main goal in each level is to rescue the princess; Princess Peach, I'm assuming. For the first level, Donkey Kong, the big-ass ape on the top, is throwing down barrels to try and stop you. You have to jump over them to get by, but sometimes it's not that simple. Barrels, instead of rolling off the ramps, can sometimes go down ladders, which catches you off guard. Luckily, there is one other way to avoid barrels killing you. And that is THE HAMMER. The hammer is located in levels 1 and 3 and it pretty much obliterates the barrels to shit. Haha, suck it, DK. The only downside to it is that you can't jump with it, which means that it's only a device for racking up points. Once you reach the platform that the princess is standing on, you beat the level.

And then the second level, known as 75m, begins. (BTW the first level is called 25m, I believe) You notice that the princess is captured again. Donkey Kong is the fastest ape ever. Right after you rescue the princess from 25m, she is immediately captured and put into the 75m level. My only guess is that this stage is a flashforward of the timeline and all the years in between were skipped or something. Also, if you played Super Smash Bros. Brawl, you might recognize this as a playable stage to fight on (also one of the worst stages in Brawl, in my opinion). The first thing I noticed when I played this part of the game was that Mario back then was the biggest pussy in the world. Today, Mario is crushing goombas, koopa troopas, and other crap with his own weight. He punches the shit out of other Nintendo franchises in the Smash Bros. series. He swings Bowser around by the fucking tail. But back then, he was so weak. I jumped from the top of the first column to get down to the bottom platform of the next column and he died. He couldn't even survive that. I'm so glad Nintendo gave him steroids. Anyways, during this level, some spring thingy will make a predicable route through the top and right side of the screen. If you carefully watch it, you can easily see which parts of the level are safe to be in, and which can kill you easily.

This here is the last level of the game, called 100m. This is a bit different from the other levels. Instead of reaching the platform that the princess is on, you have to walk over several yellow sections. When you walk over each one, they disappear. During your mission to eliminate these yellow squares, you also have to avoid these...flaming ducks. That's what they look like. Again, you have the hammer, so you can pound the ever loving fuck out of them. The more time you spend on the level, the more ducks appear. So get in, get those blocks, and get out. Once you clear all 8 blocks, the whole stage falls apart and Donkey Kong is left to fall to his death. Then you can do whatever you want to the princess. Just kidding. Seconds after you beat DK, the game restarts.
This was a fun game, and I just want to point out something here. Donkey Kong in this game is not the Donkey Kong we know as today. A little later after the Donkey Kong arcade game, another game, Donkey Kong Jr., was released and now you play as Donkey Kong's kid, I'm assuming. But I'll get to that game later. Anyways, Donkey Kong from the past became Cranky Kong (from Donkey Kong 64, Donkey Kong Country, etc.), and Donkey Kong Jr. just became...Donkey Kong. Confused? Well, here's a visual representation:

Overall I give this game a rating of 7/10
Stay tuned for more posts =]
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