Friday, June 26, 2009


This is going to be more of a rant than a review, because I can't seem to review this. The "this" is MapleStory. Fuck it.
By the way, in rants, I tend to use a lot of foul language. If you can't handle profanity, then FUCK YOU, GET USED TO IT. JustkiddingIloveyou.

Let's get the good things out of the way first. I like the fact that you can choose your own job and character settings. Ok, good things over.

Now let's talk about the shitty part. I fucking hate this game. I thought it was cool and fun at first, but now it's rotten and it's shitty now and it will be shitty forever. ERIC, YOU'RE NEVER GOING TO PERSUADE ME TO GET BACK ON THERE.
Ok, first of all what's up with the leveling? It's so damn slow. It took the course of several months to get to level 30. Even with the double EXP days. Fuck slow leveling. FUCK IT. It's like you can take 50 shits before you gain one level. Just damn one!!! And fuck the monsters. They're the most annoying little shits I ever saw. Sure they look cute, but they're the most tedious things to kill; they take like 50 goddamn hits. And when you're finally high enough level to fuck em up with one hit, they give you like a joke of an EXP reward. It's not high enough for you to make some decent EXP. So what do you do? You go fight STRONGER monsters that take even MORE hits and in the proccess waste all your HP, waste all your MP, and waste all your items, and maybe die. And oh my fuck. Cut me a break. When you die you LOSE all that hard earned EXP. So now you gotta go BACK to the strong monsters, and risk the chance of dying AGAIN. FUCK THAT. Now it's time to go back to the little ones and level at the rate of 1 lvl/5 months.

What's with the little tiny bit of money you get after each kill. You can't buy shit with it. Even when you save up after like 50 monsters, the best you can probably get it a new equip, which sucks zebrafuck. It also sucks hippofuck and donkeyfuck. I seriously cannot believe how slow the leveling is and how slow it takes to get a decent amount of damn money. It took me 2 hours to get up to 2 million and I quickly spent it on some equips that sucked. That's another problem. The items they sell in stores suck ass. It's like, if they suck that bad, don't have them in there for me to buy. Geez.

You thought leveling and money and items were bad? No no no. Lemme tell you about the worst part. The worst part is playing with OTHER PEOPLE. GODDAMN THEY ANNOY ME SO MUCH. All I wanna do is kill monsters to level up (SLOWLY, I might add) and some fucking noob comes running up to me with a trade request. Rare item maybe? No, I see the words that make me want to punch the living shit out of my Rubik's Cube: "Mesos plz." FUCK YOU, GO GET THEM YOURSELF. If I had to work that hard to get 2 million, then you go get your lazy ass up and kill some goddamn monsters, you dumb fuck. I swear, I only met like 5 people on MS that I actually could tolerate. Most other people are either too noob and ask you for help on everything, or they're too high level and they treat you like shit. I remember this one time, an assassin just kept harrassing my party by following us and stealing our kills. Jackass. And people always have to tell you off and try and be better than you by insulting you or cussing at you. The Internet is like an excuse to say shitty things to people and make them feel bad. People who use the Internet as a cover like that can go rot in the septic tank. I'm so glad I quit that shit. Do quit and shit rhyme?

Well that was go all out on just one thing like that.

Next one is going to be a game review. I'm such a damn nerd. =]

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