Thursday, June 18, 2009


Today, on this great, summer Thursday, I just wanna take a minute to talk about the library. No no, not the Cerritos Library, and its huge aquarium, 50 computers, and awesome bathrooms. I mean the library at our school.
Most students you will talk to will say that the library sucks.
And you know what?
They're right.
It fucken sucks.

It's like, it's enough that you returned a BOOK to them, but like they scrutinize every corner, every page like some kind of scavenger hunt. And don't get me started on fines. Oops, too late, you got me started. Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is overpriced. One little dent in the corner is probably like 5 bucks. A tiny rip? Probably 5 or 7 or something. And I know I'm probably exaggerating a bit, but you have to admit that there are things that aren't very fair in thair. LOL I rhymed.

Both of the librarians there are rape. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against them as people; they are nice at times. However...yeah, they're rape. I remember just like, a week ago, our math class went to turn in books. Someone, whose name I won't say *adamlee* turned in his books to the older librarian (I know some of you cringed when you read that). Then the usual: hanging the books off of its covers, shaking it, setting it down, flipping one half, flipping the other - oh wait, what's this? Adam had some writing in his book. That's rape #2. Rape #1 came from Adam taping his book cover TO the book. More writing, some rips. Finally, the librarian says that she's gonna just take the book in and look at every page to see what Adam owes. Rape. And I'm not saying it's not partly Adam's fault. But the librarians...ok you know's like this. Imagine if you stole something. Like shoplifted. It's a crime, but not as serious as, say, killing someone. Now, if you had shoplifted, the judge would give probably a lighter punishment. If the librarian was a judge, she'd sentence you to death. That's the best way I can put it.

And sometimes, they are very unreasonable. I remember this one dude (he doesn't go here anymore...probably because of this lol) turned in his book and the librarian charged him. Bent corner? Ripped page? Writing in the book? No, no, and no. He got charged for his book smelling funny. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. Like, what if your house smells like that. Like, I know some Indian people have a scent to their house from inscence and stuff, and that might get on the book, but you can't CHARGE someone for that! THAT'S RACIST. And that is some fuck.

I have only been charged one time, but I know the pain the library causes because so many other people tell me about it. One person told me about the librarians holding the book by the cover upside down and shaking it. By doing that, the binding ripped. And they got charged. There is a limit to how crazy things can get. And I bet every single one of you reading this that it will happen to you this coming year. It's probably gonna happen to me. Shiiit.

Anyways, expect some more posts this summer. I hope y'all are having a great one. I just finished Mega Man 2 so expect a review on that soon. Yay, school is over.

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